大事紀要 Milestones

1981 | 澳門大學前身東亞大學成立The University of East Asia, predecessor of UM, was founded |
1984 |
首屆本科生畢業及首次頒授榮譽博士學位UM graduated its first cohort of bachelor’s students and awarded honorary doctorates for the first time |
1988 |
政府收購東亞大學並進行重組和修訂大學章程The local government acquired and restructured UEA and revised the Charter |
1991 | 東亞大學改名爲澳門大學,頒佈新的《大學章程》UEA was renamed ‘University of Macau’, becoming a public university. The new Charter was promulgated |
1992 | 首屆碩士生畢業The first group of master’s students graduated |
1997 | 首位博士生畢業 The first doctoral student graduated |
2001 | 特區政府重組校董會後委任謝志偉博士為主席 The Macao SAR government appointed Dr Tse Chi Wai as the chair to lead the restructured University Council |
2006 | 澳門立法會通過新的《澳門大學法律制度》,行政長官頒佈新的《澳門大學章程》,根據章程,校董會爲大學最高合議機關The Legislative Assembly passed the new Judicial Regime of the University of Macau, and the chief executive promulgated the new Charter of the University of Macau. According to the Charter, the University Council is the highest collegial organ of the university |
2007 | 制訂《澳門大學十年發展規劃》 UM formulated the Ten-Year Development Strategy |
2008 | 首次經全球招聘大學領導團隊 UM globally recruited top management for the first time |
2009 | 全國人大常委會通過《澳門特別行政區對設在橫琴島澳門大學新校區實施管轄》的議案 The National People’s Congress Standing Committee adopted a bill which approved the construction of UM’s new campus on Hengqin Island and authorised the Macao SAR to exercise jurisdiction over the new campus |
時任國家主席胡錦濤親臨新校區主持奠基儀式 Then President Hu Jintao officiated at the groundbreaking ceremony for the new campus | |
澳門大學發展基金會成立 The University of Macau Development Foundation was established | |
2011 | 模擬與混合信號超大規模集成電路國家重點實驗室、中藥質量研究國家重點實驗室揭牌 The State Key Laboratory of Analog and Mixed-Signal VLSI and the State Key Laboratory of Quality Research in Chinese Medicine were inaugurated |
2013 | 澳門大學新校區於7月20日移交,實施澳門法律管轄 The new campus was handed over to the Macao SAR government and came under the jurisdiction of the Macao SAR on 20 July |
國務院副總理汪洋主持新校區啟用儀式 Vice Premier of the State Council Wang Yang officiated at the inauguration ceremony for the new campus | |
2014 | 澳門大學順利完成遷校 UM successfully completed relocation to the new campus |
2014/2015學年正式在新校園上課 The 2014/2015 academic year officially started on the new campus | |
國家主席習近平考察澳門大學 President Xi Jinping visited UM |