Soler told us, the most rewarding things in their profession is when the audience is moved by their songs, when it makes the spectators feel happy and they become inspired by their music.

Did you go to local music concerts?

Their advice for starting singers or bands who want to become professional musicians is to keep on playing their music, have a goal, and take small but certain steps in front of them which are easier to reach. They have to make sure that they are getting into the music business for the right reason! They must be certain that they know exactly what they want, and go forward from there.

It is not easy to start, as the local music business in Macau is in its prime, it is very difficult for any newcomer, either a group or a singer to become successful. Soler was very lucky to be able to show their talent through the HK market, as many local musicians are not able to do so. From a survey conducted by this group of reporters, asking 119 university students: What they know about the local music or musicians? Unfortunately only 24 percent of them heard of the Macau local music, of which the best known group is Soler, followed by C-Plus. Moreover only five percent of them listen to the Macau local music. Nine percent listen to the Mainland music, 26 percent to overseas music, 29 percent listen to music from Taiwan, and the remaining 31 percent listen to the music from Hong Kong.

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