felt comfortable and at ease on stage, and with the help of their teachers, family and friends they got many opportunities to sing and perform in front of international audiences.

Nevertheless, to become famous, often an artist has to go through difficult moments. The brothers told us the most difficult times were the times when they had to bear the long waiting periods, waiting for opportunities and breakthroughs. They knew all the way that they had to make choices and many sacrifices to be able to reach the ultimate goal: success. As a result, on the road to fame, Julio and Dino's strong belief in themselves, helped them go through these hard times. They knew inside their heart that "destiny stands by what you believe", as they said.

Soler in the spotlight.

They were blessed; their amazing singing talent and breathtaking performances helped them to open the right doors in the music business. One of their friends from Hong Kong launched a new record label and music production company, the Hummingbird Music whose first artist became Soler.

One of Soler's signatures is that they are writing their own lyrics and music, reflecting the two brothers' heart and soul in their creation.

Shortly after the launch of their career, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Mainland audiences adopted them. Quickly, Soler won many awards, including the 2005 Best Group Newcomer Gold Award in Hong Kong. However, the one they are most proud of is the Best Group Award in Macau, the sign of their achievement and the recognition by the people of their hometown.

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