New Macao University Entrance Exam

By Simona Chan

Colleges in Macao have their own system of education such as teaching materials and examination regulations. They also have varied entrance exams and admission policy. It’s thus difficult for the Education and Youth Affairs Bureau (DSEJ) to introduce a new university entrance exam of innovation and unification.

This change has become a new hot topic in Macao. It is controversial whether students should be evaluated by a unified examination to get into a university. Compared to other major cities in China, Macao students currently suffer less stress in study and have higher chance getting into universities. It is also rather easier for new graduates to find a job with the current low unemployment rate. Macao local students seem to have a bigger room for building a desirable life. Students, however, consider this scheme of unified university entrance exam an enormous challenge.

When asked of the opinion towards the scheme of unified university entrance exam in the near future, interviewees included teachers, students and parents, expressed varied opinions.


Luzhen Zhang, Parent

Luzhen Zhang, Parent

Luzhen Zhang, Parent: The unified examination can improve the education level in Macao and competitiveness of Macao students. Students can avoid too many entrance examinations in a period so that they can concentrate to study for one, since in the past there were different content and examination papers required by different colleges and universities.






Lemon Cheon, High school student

Lemon Cheon, High school student

Lemon Cheon, High school student: I do not agree with it. The teaching materials are varied in different high schools. It is hard to design a fair content for every student. Students may suffer a big stress because the unified exam means there is only one chance.







Enen Chan,  High school student

Enen Chan,
High school student

Enen Chan, High school student: For students who study well, it’s better to take one unified exam. However, for students who do not study very well, there may be fewer chances for them to apply for universities with this new scheme. Therefore, I disagree with the unified exam.







Bo Chen Wu,  Teacher

Bo Chen Wu,

Bo Chen Wu, Teacher: If there’s a unified exam, high school students can follow a clear direction to study, and teachers do not need to analyze examination papers of different colleges year by year. On the other hand, high schools may be labeled by grades students achieve in the unified exam. Parents would choose the school which has a good reputation and some ordinary high schools may face the difficult situation in student recruitment. Moreover, some students have to apply for jobs if they fail in the unified exam.






In conclusion, it’s hard to say whether the unified examination is suitable for Macao or not. Some people may think that it is fair for all students who apply for university, but some students think that there’ll be fewer chances for them and they will suffer more stress.

“The implementation of a unified exam can improve the education level of Macao in the long run. It will increase the competitiveness of Macao students, and reduce the pressure of Macao students who have to take many university entrance exams. There’ll be studies regarding this issue conducted by the education department for reference,” Ng Bik San, chief secretary of the General Association of Chinese Students, Macao, expressed her opinion.