Gildo "Boron" A. Garcia Jr. is the instructor of the AUF Concert Chorus. In August, his chorus received the UM Choir in the Philippines for a rehearsal. He said, "This is our first international show. Although it's tiring, I'm pleased to be part of this event."

"I have no special feeling as this is my job, but I'm happy to perform with other organizations," said Leung Kin Hang, the conductor of MYSO. MYSO often performs in Macau and Hong Kong. The performance is a form of training for the members, said Leung.

UM Choir performs for the Silver Jubilee Celebrations

The UM Choir was organized in September 2004. There are a total of 80 members who practice together every week. As a young association, it has already taken part in many performing activities organized by UM and other government departments.

The AUF Concert Chorus is the choir of Angeles University Foundation in the Philippines. It was established in 1979. On February 5, 1991, the AUF Concert Chorus won the National Championship in a cultural competition. It performs in many different places in the Philippines.

The MYSO was founded in July 1995, consisting of the violin classes of Pui Ching Middle School and Sacred Heart Canossian College. It was officially established in January 1997. Since then, it has been playing in different concerts in Macau and Hong Kong.
