New scenic spots add to city charm
By Joyce Siu 

Imagine one day a friend from overseas asks you, "What places in Macau are worthwhile to visit nowadays?" What will you answer? Will your answer still be St Paul's Wall, Kun Iam Temple or Lou Lim Ioec Garden? Although these places are really worthwhile for tourists to visit in Macau, we can still introduce some other new and good places for our visitors to go. 

Since Macau has been growing rapidly, many reclaimed areas have been developed. Some of the reclaimed areas, especially the area near the Outer Harbour, have been constructed into new tourist attractions. Several new buildings and places are worth visiting.

The Macau Tower: Soaring 338,8 metres above Nam Van Lakes in Praia Grande Bay, it is the 10th tallest building of its type in the world. The Macau Tower is scheduled to be open in the near future. Built by STDM, the HK$1 billion tower will contain restaurants, meeting facilities and observation decks.

The Macau Cultural Centre and the Museum of Art: the Cultural Centre is located at the entrance of the Outer Harbour facing the water towards the Taipa Island. The building has a very modern architecture with beautiful lines and integrated well into the rest of the surrounding constructions. The Macau Cultural Centre has a programme of cultural activities all year round, bringing to Macau the most important names of lyric chanting, classical and pop music, theatre and other dramatic arts. Inside the Cultural Centre, there is also the Museum of Art. The Museum contains valuable collections of Chinese art and of paintings and watercolours about old Macau.

Kun Iam Statue: also located in the Outer Harbour near the Cultural Centre. This statue, dedicated to the Goddess of Kun Iam (Goddess of Mercy), is 20 metres tall and made of special bronze. The dome-shaped base, which resembles a lotus flower, is an ecumenical centre where information is available on Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism.

Pubs and bars: you can find lots of local pubs and music-bars at the area near the cultural Centre and the Kun Iam Statue. These pubs and bars have become a very popular night entertainment in Macau. You can find diversion together with a drink and unusual music in these places, a nice choice for friends to gather around.

So next time when your friends ask you what places in Macau are worth visiting, you can act as a tour guide and bring them to these nice places in the new reclaimed area.


The Macau Cultural Centre

The Museum of Art

Kun Iam statue

Pubs & Bars