Are you addicted to Internet?
How do you know if you may be addicted
to the Internet? Impairment to real life relationships appears to be the
number one problem caused by Internet addiction. (Full
First Macau-born pilot flies high
Have you ever thought of taking
a helicopter to Hong Kong? If you do, remember to take a look at the pilot.
He may be Ho Wai, a young and capable assistant pilot who is the first
Macau-born Chinese to get a license from the Civil Aviation Authority of
Macau. (Full Story)
New scenic spots add to city charm
Imagine one day a friend from overseas
asks you, "What places in Macau are worthwhile to visit nowadays?" What
will you answer? Will your answer still be St Paul's Wall, Kun Iam Temple
or Lou Lim Ioec Garden? Although these places are really worthwhile for
tourists to visit in Macau, we can still introduce some other new and good
places for our visitors to go.
(Full Story)