




Tuition reduction welcomed
Tuition fees for the degree programmes will be further reduced by 15 to 20 per cent in the next academic year 2001/2002. (Full Story)

Delayed certificates embroils students' future

Students of University of Macau (UMac) who graduated last academic Year (1999/2000) have not yet received their graduation certificates.  Many of them claimed that the delayed distribution of the certificates might affect their competitive edge in the job market.  (Full Story)


We were nearly blown away by the wind.

A sudden cut in the graduation trip subsidy for each student has made many students dissatisfied.  (Full Story)

First exchange programme to America
A new student exchange program was established this semester between the University of Macau (UMac) and Southern Illinois University (SIU), Carbondale, in the United States, the first such program with American universities.  (Full Story)

Improvements in UMac

A new corner for relaxation and gathering.

Certain improvements and acquisitions are allocated under the responsibilities of the Central Services for this semester. (Full Story)

Students generally welcome the reduction on tuition fees.

Agnes Vong, Cassenna Chan and Gloria Si Tou with their new friends.