Submission deadline of papers and extended abstracts:
July 31, 2018
Notification of acceptance:
August 31, 2018
1. The full paper, work-in-progress paper, or extended abstract of about five pages (covering objective, methodology, major findings and conclusions) should be submitted to the Conference Secretariat via email Papers will be selected for presentation on a competitive basis with a double-blind review process.
2. Each submission should consist of two files: the blind copy of the paper and the cover page providing full contact details, including the author’s name, institution affiliation, mailing address, telephone number, e-mail address, and topic areas (up to 3 topic areas listed above).
3. Please indicate if your submission is for the PhD symposium.
4. For any question related to your submission, you can contact
1. Quality papers will be selected for the three best paper awards.
2. For those who would like to have their paper considered for publication in the special issue of the Asian Journal of Business Ethics (AJBE), please indicate “Concurrent Submission to the AJBE” on the cover page. Only full paper would be eligible. The full paper should not be more than 40 pages in double spacing (all inclusive) and must follow the style guidelines of AJBE (website:
3. All submissions will go through separate blind review processes for the special issue.