公共交通Public Transport
巴士 Bus
Public Bus Routes to Campus
的士 Taxi
地址 Address
中國澳門氹仔 大學大馬路
University of Macau (UM)
Avenida da Universidade, Taipa, Macau, China
校內停車場 Campus Car Park

校內循環巴士路線 Campus Loop Bus Route

註/ Remarks:
1) 校內循環巴士由10:00-17:00每八分鐘一班開出
Campus loop bus comes every 8 minutes from 10:00-17:00
2) 首班和尾班車分別於10:00 和16:56 於澳大伍宜孫圖書館開出
The first and last departure time will be on 10:00 and 16:56 respectively, which depart from UM Wu Yee Sun Library