1. "EU-Macao SAR 10 Years of Cooperation - Reviews and Prospects" in Celebration of the 60th Anniversary of the Founding of the PRC and 10th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Macao SAR
『歐盟與澳門特區十年發展回顧與展望 - 中華人民共和國建國六十周年暨澳門特區成立十周年慶祝活動』
Date: 3 December 2009 (Thursday)
Time: 10:00 - 15:00
Venue: Macau Tower Convention & Entertainment Centre, 4th Floor,
Grand Hall 4 to 5
Organizers: Institute of European Studies of Macau and
Master in European Studies Association
2. Conference, Halifax , Dalhousie University,
Canada, March 2009
