Web version 網頁版

Time 時間 Today’s Events 今日活動 Venue 地點
09:00 – 18:30International Joint Conference on Theoretical Computer Science – Frontier of Algorithmic Wisdom (cont)
N1 Room 1005, University of Macau
10:00 – 20:00“The Way to UM” New Student Orientation: Student Fair
10:00 – 18:00Library Activity — 2023 Textbook and Academic Book Fair
圖書館活動 — 2023教科書及學術書展
Room G007, Exhibition Hall, Wu Yee Sun Library (E2)
10:30 – 12:00IOTSC Distinguished Visiting Scholar Series: AI and Remote Sensing Big Data for Water Cycle and Global Hazards Studies
智慧城市物聯網傑出訪問學者系列講座: AI and Remote Sensing Big Data for Water Cycle and Global Hazards Studies
More events 更多活動 / Submit an event 發佈活動

News & Upcoming Activities 新聞及活動預告 Dept. 部門
UM welcomes 4,400 new students, rector hopes students to be courageous and innovative
澳大開學迎4,400新生 校長寄語勇敢創未來
UM National Flag Team Successfully Held the Flag Raising Ceremony for UM Convocation 2023
Friendly Reminder: (21 Aug., 3:30pm, N1-G014) Invitation to the University Lecture Series: “Preparing Talents for the Future: Impact of AIGC on Higher Education” by Prof. Lionel M. Ni, President of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou) [1 Smart Point, 15 CS]
提提你: (8月21日下午3:30,N1-G014) 誠邀出席 “大學講壇”:由香港科技大學(廣州)校長倪明選教授主講 “為未來培養人才:生成式人工智能對高等教育的影響” [1粒至叻星、15個CS]
FST held the first lecture to welcome new students and embraces a new chapter
【Sports Games and Activities】: Train the Trainer Programme (T.T.T.) – “2023 Elementary Basketball Referee and Table Officials Training Course” (Application Deadline: 27 Aug)
【體 . 活動】: 學生教練員培訓計劃 (T.T.T.) -「2023 年初級籃球裁判及記錄台人員培訓班」 (截止報名日期: 8月27日)
【Sports Teams】: UM Cheerleading Team is now recruiting new members! (Application deadline: 11 Sep 2023)
【體.校隊】: 澳門大學競技啦啦隊現正招募新隊員 (截止日期:2023年9月11日)
【Sports Activities】: Korfball Experience Class on 19 Aug, Sat, 14:00-15:00 (Registration Deadline: 18 Aug, 15:00)
【體 . 活動】: 澳大學生會合球會舉辦合球體驗, 8月19日, 星期六, 14:00-15:00 (截止報名日期: 8月18日下午3時)
2023/2024 Student Fairs: Suggestion Scheme Booth & Online Quiz Game with Prizes (Deadline: 31 Aug, 2023)
2023/2024 學生活動同樂日: 好建議獎勵計劃攤位及在線有獎問答遊戲 (截止日期:2023年8月31日)
IOTSC Distinguished Visiting Scholar Series: AI and Remote Sensing Big Data for Water Cycle and Global Hazards StudiesIOTSC
FBA Distinguished Scholar Seminar: “Building Research Programs in Tourism and Hospitality: A Personal Journey” by Prof. Xiang (Robert) LI, 25 August, 10:30am, ZoomFBA
More news 更多新聞 / Submit news 發佈新聞

Internal Notices 校內通告 Dept. 部門
Bank Roadshow: Banking Service Promotion Counters with Back-to-School Offers (Date: 16/08/2023 – 17/08/2023, Venue: E31 Student Activity Centre)
[For Staff Only] Classroom AV equipment briefing will be held on 16 August 2023
[僅供職員] 課室影音設備講解會將於2023年8月16日舉行
[For Staff Only] New Staff & Staff Movement – Jul 2023 to Aug 2023ADMO-HRS
[For Staff Only] Revision of “The University of Macau Parking Management Rules”
[僅供職員] 修訂《澳門大學停車場之管理規條》
IAS – The 7th Issue of IAS Newsletter is launched
高研院 – 第七期《高研院簡報》現已推出
All active notices 所有內部通告

Student Notices 學生通告 Dept. 部門
Recruitment: Health & Environmental Protection Ambassador Program 2023/2024
招募: 健康環保大使計劃2023/2024
For Students: Revision of “The University of Macau Parking Management Rules”
News Express: UM welcomes 4,400 new students, rector hopes students to be courageous and innovative
新聞快訊:澳大開學迎4,400新生 校長寄語勇敢創未來
Academic Year 2023/2024 – Arrangement for Undergraduate Freshmen to Apply for Stay Permit (21-31 August)
2023/2024學年 – 本科新生辦理【逗留特別許可】的安排 (8月21日至31日)
UM Cultural & Arts U-teams and National Flag Team want you! (Recruitment Fair: 16-17 August 2023, 10:00-17:00, Student Activity Centre E31 G/F)
UM Volunteer Programme Recruitment (Deadline: 29 Aug)
澳大義工隊招募 (截止日期: 8月29日)
All tickets have been distributed: UM Mandarin Debating Team – Demo Debate Contest (25 August 2023, 20:00, E31-Theatre)
門票已派發完畢,多謝各位支持!澳門大學普通話辯論隊- 迎新表演賽 (8月25日, 晚上8:00,學生活動中心E31劇場)
Morning Express: UM Today 《今日澳大》(for students), 15/08/2023CO
All active student notices 所有學生通告

Submit News and Events 發佈新聞及活動 Venue Booking 借用場地 Indoor and Outdoor Digital Signage Booking 室內外數位看板申請
myUM Portal myUM 入口網站 Sports Facilities Booking 借用體育設施 Leave Application System 休假申請
University Almanac 校曆 Equipment Booking 借用物品 Lost and Found 失物認領

"UM Today” is a daily internal e-newsletter released by the Communications Office, which aims to provide UM members with the up-to-date information about events, seminars, news, internal notices and student activities. To review the previous issues of UM Today, please access the UM Today Database. Should you have any enquiries about UM Today, please feel free to contact the Communications Office at 88228090 or co@um.edu.mo.


First Released time 首次發佈時間: 16/08/2023 09:00

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