Are you struggling with your English? No worries. At UM, you can practice it anywhere and anytime you like. I think we are always looking for authentic materials that really make the students excited. And sometimes those are the same authentic materials that even students in native speaking countries like America, England, Australia, those speakers of English as well too can use the same materials in their classrooms. When I was in high school, the whole lecture was conducted in Chinese. So when I went to the first class of English studies. I was so shocked because the whole lecture was in English. The professors assume that you can completely understand English. So I used the rest of time to review the lessons and read the book. I think it’s about time. So after one semester, you will improve. And then maybe you can understand the whole lecture. In our class we have a lot of exchange students. So during discussions or when doing assignments, we still speak English. We are an English-medium institution, it is one thing that makes UM unique. Even though you may be taking a course in business or economics which is not really about English, if it is delivered in English, if you read the stuff in English, if you respond correctly in English. Then that is reinforcement. If every course reinforces their English proficiency. Then that makes their language courses more effective