Web version 網頁版

DSEDJ urges: To protect the safety of our campus, let’s get vaccinated together.

Time 時間 Today’s Events 今日活動 Venue 地點
09:00 – 17:45FAH-CCHC: Wonders of the Era – Manuscripts of Famous Chinese Writers Exhibition (cont)
人文學院中國歷史文化中心:書寫時代的華章 – 當代中國著名作家手稿展
Room G016, Cultural Building, Exhibition and Multi-function Hall (E34)
10:00 – 11:30Campus Visit by Form 6 students from Premier School Affiliated To Hou Kong Middle School, Macao
UM Campus
10:00 – 21:00FAH-ELC Student Activities: “EWCC Writing Month – Write Now-Here’s How 2022” (cont)
人文學院英語中心學生活動:”EWCC Writing Month – Write Now-Here’s How 2022″
Room 2112, Central Teaching Building (E6); Room 1032, Centennial Building (E3)
13:00 – 14:00FSS – DCOM Research Seminar: “Theoretical Origin and Application of Strategic Communication in U.S. Diplomacy” by Prof. Hua ZHENG
社會科學學院傳播系客席講座 – 鄭華教授
Room G002, Humanities and Social Sciences Building (E21)
15:00 – 17:00FAH – CCHC Lecture Series : “The lingering charm of ancient poetry (reading, appreciation, interpretation and simple creative skills)”
人文學院中國歷史文化中心名師名校講座系列— “古詩文的韻味 (朗讀、欣賞、演譯及簡單創作技巧)”
The Affiliated School of the University of Macau
16:00 – 17:30FAH-DCLL Guest Lecture: “The Change of the Concept of Hua-yi in the Southern Song Dynasty and the Formation of the Plum Blossom Imagery Metaphor” by Prof. Liu Pei
人文學院中國語言文學系嘉賓講座:“南宋華夷觀念的轉變與梅花象喻的生成”- 劉培教授
18:30 – 19:00SEE Photography Exhibition Works by Yao Feng (cont)
看見 – 姚風個人攝影展
Former Municipal Cattle Stable
19:00 – 21:00Open Online Seminar: Representations of Former Portuguese Asia on Film (cont)
More events 更多活動 / Submit an event 發佈活動

News & Upcoming Activities 新聞及活動預告 Dept. 部門
UM scholar’s book receives Best Scholarly Publication Award at ACPSS international conference
MCM College Macau Culture and History: Artworks on campus
滿珍紀念書院澳門文化歷史講座系列: 校園藝術品
Library Smart Point Activity – “Maritime Silk Road” International Cultural Forum: Special Session at the University of Macau
圖書館之至叻星活動 — “海上絲綢之路”國際文化論壇 – 澳門大學專場
UM English Debating Team was invited for Shooting and Interview on TDM Programme “Our People, Our Life”
CKYC Stand Up Paddle (SUP) Board Workshop
More news 更多新聞 / Submit news 發佈新聞

Internal Notices 校內通告 Dept. 部門
[For Staff Only] New UMDrive client introduction and problem follow-up
[僅供職員] UMDrive新軟件使用簡介及問題跟進
[For Staff Only] Reminder: 2nd Round Introduction of Research Service Management System (RSMS)
[僅供職員] 温馨提示:研究服務管理系統 (RSMS) 第二次簡介會
[For Staff Only] Friendly Reminder: Town Hall Meeting (For UM Staff) (11 Nov, 11am & 3pm, U-hall)
[僅供職員] 溫馨提示:校務座談會 (澳大教職員專場) (11月11日上午11時及下午3時, 大學會堂)
Lucky draw result: The sales of raffle tickets for the 53rd Caritas Macau Charity Bazaar
[For Staff Only] (POSTPONED) UM Recreational Club Interest Class in November: Tea Appreciation Workshop
[僅供職員] (延期舉行) 澳大康樂會十一月興趣班: 茶藝評鑑工作坊
All active notices 所有內部通告

Student Notices 學生通告 Dept. 部門
UMPA: Notice for General Assembly Graduation Committee No. 2/2022: Notice for Graduation Gown Purchase of 2023 Graduate Students
澳門大學研究生會第 2/2022 號畢業生委員會通告:關於2023屆研究生畢業生購買畢業袍的通知
UMSU Graduation Committee: 2022-2023 Guideline for Purchasing Undergraduate Graduation Gown
澳門大學學生會畢業生委員會第2/2022號公告: 2022-2023學士學位畢業生購買畢業袍細則及須知
Call for Application: Chongqing University 3rd Cultural Experience Camp on Traditional Chinese Opera (Online)
UM Public Speaking Team organized Impromptu Speech Contest
“UM Student Job Vacancy E-system” of Career Development Centre: Your Important Sources of Employment Information
生涯發展中心『澳大學生網上職位空缺系統』: 你的重要求職資訊渠道
Firsthand (Online Career Library) of Career Development Centre can help you with composing a cover letter
生涯發展中心的 Firsthand (網上就業資料庫):是你準備求職信的好幫手
Open for application: 2022 Communication University of China Putonghua Training Courses (Online) – Deadline: 17:30, 14 November 2022
現正接受申請:2022中國傳媒大學港澳大學生普通話培訓交流營(線上) – 截止:2022年11月14日下午5時30分
Career Activity: Juscent Games Online Campus Recruitment Talk (Date: 17 Nov; Time:15:00)
就業活動: 劍心互動娛樂線上校園招聘宣講會 (日期:11月17日;時間:15:00)
Career Activity: 2022 Shenzhen Luohu District Hong Kong and Macau Youth Entrepreneurship and Employment Promotion Talk (Online)(Date: 16 Nov, Time: 15:00) – [1 Smart Point and 15 CS ]
就業活動:2022深圳市羅湖區港澳青年創業就業推介會(線上)(日期:11月16日;時間15:00) – [1粒至叻星及15個CS]
External Activity: Macao New Chinese Youth Association: Training Programmes
校外活動: 澳門中華新青年協會:「澳門青年培育計劃」系列活動
External Activity: “Mainland China Internship Programme for Macao Higher Education Students” (Application Deadline extended to: 10 Nov)
校外活動: “澳門大專學生內地實習計劃” (截止報名日期延至: 11月10日)
Morning Express: UM Today 《今日澳大》(for students), 09/11/2022
Student Housing: Postgraduate House Assignment Cancellation for 2nd Semester of AY2022/2023 and Room Change Application for Residents Who Renew the Accommodation for 2nd Semester of AY2022/2023 (Deadline: 15 November 2022)
學生住宿:研究生宿舍現住宿生不續住2022/2023學年第二學期申請 及 續住宿生2022/2023學年第二學期轉房申請 (截止日期:2022年11月15日)
Open for application: Guangdong-Macao In-Depth Cooperation Study Camp (for local Macao students only)
現正接受申請:粤澳深度合作戰略研習營暨大灣區青年社會公益挑戰賽 (只限澳門籍學生申請)
News Express: UM scholar’s book receives Best Scholarly Publication Award at ACPSS international conference
All active student notices 所有學生通告

Submit News and Events 發佈新聞及活動 Venue Booking 借用場地 Indoor and Outdoor Digital Signage Booking 室內外數位看板申請
myUM Portal myUM 入口網站 Sports Facilities Booking 借用體育設施 Leave Application System 休假申請
University Almanac 校曆 Equipment Booking 借用物品 Lost and Found 失物認領

"UM Today” is a daily internal e-newsletter released by the Communications Office, which aims to provide UM members with the up-to-date information about events, seminars, news, internal notices and student activities. To review the previous issues of UM Today, please access the UM Today Database. Should you have any enquiries about UM Today, please feel free to contact the Communications Office at 88228090 or co@um.edu.mo.


First Released time 首次發佈時間: 10/11/2022 09:00

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