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Time 時間 Today’s Events 今日活動 Venue 地點
09:00 – 18:00Celebrating the 40th Anniversary of the University of Macau: Documents and Archives Exhibition
澳門大學40週年校慶 —— 澳門大學成立四十周年文獻展
Zone A, Manuscript Corner, 1/F UM Wu Yee Sun Library (E2)
11:00 – 15:00Macau Special Olympics Flag Selling Day Promotional Series 2021 – Charity Bazaar (cont)
2021澳門特奧會賣旗日推廣系列活動 – 愛心義賣市集
The Corridor Between W11 & W13
11:00 – 12:30Celebrating the 40th Anniversary of the University of Macau: CCBS Seminar Series – Prof. Peng ZHANG of IBP-CAS
澳門大學40週年校慶 —— 認知與腦科學研究中心講座系列:中科院生物物理所張朋教授
Room G013, Research Building (N21)
14:00 – 17:00Student Leadership Training Programme Activity Series: Campus Gender Equity, No Bias, Say No, Be Brave! (cont)
學生領袖培訓計劃系列活動: 校園性別平等之不要偏見、不要啞忍、不要退縮
E4 Booth Area
14:30 – 16:00Celebrating the 40th Anniversary of the University of Macau: Space – mankind’s frontier
澳門大學40週年校慶 —— 社會科學學院俄羅斯中心及政府與行政學系講座
16:15 – 17:15Celebrating the 40th Anniversary of the University of Macau: IOTSC TALK SERIES: Computational Social Choice: Algorithms for Fair Allocation Problems
澳門大學40週年校慶 —— 智慧城市物聯網系列講座: 計算社會選擇理論: 多智能體均分問題
5/F Exhibition Hall (N21)
18:00 – 21:00MLC 3rd High Table Dinner of AY2020/21
Room G046, MLC Dining Hall (W33)
More events 更多活動 / Post an event 發佈活動

News & Upcoming Activities 新聞及活動預告 Dept. 部門
Alumna Hazel Huang: College experiences help me found my startups
UMSU visits central government’s liaison office in Macao
Celebrating the 40th Anniversary of the University of Macau: UMSU Table Tennis Club – “UM, MUST and CityU Table Tennis Friendly Competition” was held successfully
澳門大學40週年校慶 — 澳門大學學生會乒乓球會 – 「澳門大學、澳門科技大學及澳門城市大學聯合乒乓球友誼賽」圓滿結束
Celebrating the 40th Anniversary of the University of Macau: IAS Public Forum on 4 May 2021
澳門大學40週年校慶 – 高研院崇文論壇 (5月4日)
Celebrating the 40th Anniversary of the University of Macau: IAS Annual Conference from 5 to 7 May 2021
澳門大學40週年校慶 – 高研院周年學術研討會 (5月5日至5月7日)
(Photo Sharing) Celebrating the 40th Anniversary of the University of Macau: Conference on Global Governance and Development of Relations between China and Portuguese-speaking Countries in the New Context
(相片分享) 澳門大學40週年校慶 – “新形勢下全球治理與中國—葡語國家關係發展”研討會
Sports: The “Celebrating the 40th Anniversary of the University of Macau: Run Together 40K” has been successfully held online with over 700 participations!
體育:「澳門大學40週年校慶 ── 齊心邁向40K」線上活動成功舉辦,超過700位澳大人參加!
[Photo Sharing] Celebrating the 40th Anniversary of the University of Macau: IAS MINI FORUMS #5 Prof. Di WANG
[相片分享] 澳門大學40週年校慶 – 高研院迷你論壇 #5 王笛教授
Celebrating the 40th Anniversary of the University of Macau: Chinese-Portuguese Bilingual Teaching and Training Centre’s Book Club
澳門大學40週年校慶 ── 中葡雙語中心“名家讀書會”系列
“MLC Lecture Series: Greater Bay Area Development and Regional Tourism” held in Ma Man Kei and Lo Pak Sam College
Health Tips (04/2021): Hotpot and Gout
健康小貼士 (04/2021):火鍋與痛風
Movie screening “Against the Wind”
Reminder: The Integrity of Election Drama Show by CCAC (0.5 Smart point)
温韾提示: “廉潔選舉知多啲”學校戲劇巡演 (半粒至叻星)
More news 更多新聞 / Submit news 發佈新聞

Internal Notice 校內通告 Dept. 部門
P1 – P6 Car Parks Cleaning will be conducted from 17 April – 5 June 2021
Change of venue: PhD Oral Defence in Faculty of Business Administration, by Ms. Dan ZHANG, on 19 April 2021
Calling for articles, photos, and short videos
Staff Movement – Mar 2021 to Apr 2021
Special traffic arrangements for Triathlon Race, event date: 18/04/2021 (Sunday)
All active notices 所有內部通告

Student Notice 學生通告 Dept. 部門
News Express: UMSU visits central government’s liaison office in Macao
Campus news: UM participates in Greater Bay Area Drama Festival for College Students
校園新聞分享: 澳大參與大灣區大學生戲劇節
(All tickets are DISTRIBUTED, thanks for the support!!!) – Celebrating the 40th Anniversary of the University of Macau: UM Chinese Orchestra Concert, 1 Smart Point (24 April 2021, 20:00, Student Activity Centre E31-Theatre)
(所有門票已派發完畢, 謝謝支持) – 澳門大學40週年校慶:澳門大學中樂團”山河雅-” 音樂會- 1粒至叻星的分數 (即CS)(4月24日, 晚上8時, 學生活動中心E31音樂劇場)
Morning Express: UM Today 《今日澳大》(for students), 15/04/2021
All active student notice 所有學生通告

Banner Booking 借用橫額 Add News and Events 上載新聞及活動 List for Undeliverable Mail 待領郵件表
Equipment Booking 借用物品 Leave Application System 休假申請 Lost and Found 失物認領
Sports Facilities Booking 體育設施預約 Venue Booking 借用場地 University Almanac 校曆

"UM Today” is a daily internal e-newsletter released by the Communications Office, which aims to provide UM members with the up-to-date information about events, seminars, news, internal notices and student activities.To review the previous issues of UM Today, please access the UM Today Database. Should you have any enquiries about UM Today, please feel free to contact the Communications Office at 88228090 or co@um.edu.mo.


First Released time 首次發佈時間: 16/04/2021 09:00

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