Web version 網頁版
"UM Today” is a daily internal e-newsletter released by the Communications Office, which aims to provide UM members with the up-to-date information about events, seminars, news, internal notices and student activities.《今日澳大》是由傳訊部發佈的校內電子通訊,旨在為澳大人提供是日最新活動、研討會、新聞、內部通訊及學生活動等資訊。
Time 時間 Today’s event 今日活動 Venue 地點
09:30 – 18:00“Global Leadership Development Program–Hospitality and MICE” Module 3 (cont)
Seoul, Korea
10:30 FST Seminar – “On The Differences Between Partial Least Squares and Covariance Based Structural Equation Modeling” by Prof. Wynne W. Chin
科技學院數學系講座 – Wynne W. Chin 教授
J323, Silver Jubilee Building
All events this month 本月活動 / Add events 上載活動

News & Upcoming Activities 新聞及活動預告 Dept. 部門
The University of Macau Honours College students 3rd runner up at the 4th China Students Service Outsourcing Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition
澳大榮譽學院學生勇奪 “第四屆中國大學生服務外包創新創業大賽”三等獎
News Sharing: [Ta Kung Pao] UM’s new campus with Asia’s largest residential college complex to start full-scale operation next year
新聞分享:[大公報]打造亞洲最大住宿式書院制大學 澳大橫琴新校區明年啟用
”The Way to UM” New Student Orientation Programme
「澳大之道」 – 迎新活動
More news 更多新聞

Internal Notice 校內通告 Dept. 部門
ELC Professional Development Series: Creating your own Second Language Acquisition Model
Service Suspension of the first segment of escalator of the Nine Dragon Wall on September 1, 2013
Friendly Reminder : Online Self-learning Course for September, 2013
溫馨提示 : 網上自學課程 – 2013年9月號
Call for Registration of Alumni Working at UM, Join Now
Public Administration and Civil Service Bureau (SAFP): Activities (3rd Series of August)
行政公職局的活動宣傳 (八月份第三期)
Fire Resistance Test will be Carried Out by IDQ on 1 September from 14:00 to 18:00
Training Programme offered by the Macau Productivity and Technology Transfer Center (CPTTM) (September-October 2013)
澳門生產力暨科技轉移中心的專業培訓課程 (2013年9月至2013年10月)
Warm Reminder: Beware of Phishing Emails
提提您: 再有欺詐郵件出現,小心!
All active notices 所有內部通告

Student Notice 學生通告 Dept. 部門
UM Today (for students) – 29/08/2013
《今日澳大》(學生版) – 29/08/2013
News Sharing: UM’s new campus with Asia’s largest residential college complex to start full-scale operation next year
新聞分享:澳門大學打造亞洲最大住宿式書院制大學 澳大橫琴新校區明年啟用
News Express: The University of Macau Honours College students 3rd runner up at the 4th China Students Service Outsourcing Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition
新聞快訊:澳大榮譽學院學生勇奪 “第四屆中國大學生服務外包創新創業大賽”三等獎
Service Suspension of the first segment of escalator of the Nine Dragon Wall on September 1, 2013
Outside Activity: GAES – Online Chat Room with Macao Government Officials: “Sharing with Mr. Ung Vai Meng” (Date: 18 Sep 2013)
校外活動: 澳門高等教育辦公室-大專學生與政府官員網上對話系列活動: 與吳衛鳴局長對話 (日期: 2013年9月18日)
Fire Resistance Test will be Carried Out by IDQ on 1 September from 14:00 to 18:00
Warm Reminder: Beware of Phishing Emails
提提您: 再有欺詐郵件出現,小心!
All active student notice 所有學生通告

Banner Booking 借用橫額 Add News and Events 上載新聞及活動 List for Undeliverable Mail 待領郵件表
Equipment Booking 借用物品 Leave Application System 休假申請 Lost and Found 失物認領
SC Booking 體育設施預約 Souvenir Request 紀念品申領 UM Document Database 澳大資料庫
Venue Booking 借用場地 Stationary Request 文具申領  

To review the previous issues of UM Today, please access the UM Today Database. Should you have any enquiries about UM Today, please feel free to contact the Communications Office at 83974334 or co@umac.mo


First Released time 首次發佈時間: 30/08/2013 09:00

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