Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Time 時間 Today’s Events 今日活動 Venue 地點
08:00 – 18:00UM Library User Satisfaction Survey 2023 (cont)
Online Survey
09:00 – 17:30CCHC: Exhibition of Ye Zhongqiao on the topic of South China Lychee Leaves
中國歷史文化中心 : 南國荔枝葉葉仲橋美術作品展
Room G016, Cultural Building, Exhibition and Multi-function Hall (E34)
09:00 – 18:00CCHC : The Sixth Macao Forum for Chinese Culture (cont)
中國歷史文化中心: 第六屆中國文化(澳門)論壇
Room G011, Cultural Building, Lecture Hall (E34)
09:30 – 11:30Opening ceremony of “Second Chinese Cultural Festival”
Lobby, Cultural Building (E34)
11:00 – 12:30Town Hall Meeting (For UM Staff) – Chinese Session
校務座談會 (澳大教職員專場) – 中文場
Mr. and Mrs. Lau Chor Tak Lecture Theatre, Anthony Lau Building (E4-G078)
14:00 – 15:15Seminar on Economics: “Adjustment with Many Regressors under Covariate-Adaptive Randomizations ” by Prof. Ke MIAO
經濟學系講座 – 苗克教授
14:00 – 17:00CO PR Workshop Series (6) : Etiquette Rules for Public Relations
傳訊部公關系列工作坊 (6):公關禮儀
Room 2029, Administration Building (N6)
15:00 – 16:00FST Seminar: “Integrated Artificial Intelligence and Systems Biology for Personalized Radiopharmaceutical Therapy” by Prof. Kuangyu SHI
科技學院電機及電腦工程系講座 – “Integrated Artificial Intelligence and Systems Biology for Personalized Radiopharmaceutical Therapy” 施匡宇教授
Room 1006, Faculty of Science and Technology (E11)
15:00 – 16:00Boya Book Launch — “Building the Foundation: Whole Numbers in the Primary Grades” (Prof. Xu Hua Sun, FED)
博雅新書發佈 — “打好基礎: 小學整數教與學” (教育學院 孫旭花教授)
Auditorium, University Gallery (E1)
15:30 – 17:30University Lecture Series: “Art Innovation in the Age of AI” Lecture Series: Part I: Artificial Intelligence and Artistic Creation: A New Paradigm of Materials, Process and Painting
大學講壇:“AI時代的藝術創新” 講座系列:第一講:材料、過程與繪畫:AI時代的藝術創造
Ho Yin Conference Hall, Administration Building (N6-G010), University of Macau
15:30 – 17:00Town Hall Meeting (For UM Staff) – English Session
校務座談會 (澳大教職員專場) – 英文場
Mr. and Mrs. Lau Chor Tak Lecture Theatre, Anthony Lau Building (E4-G078)
16:00 – 17:00Talk on the Development of China’s National Security
17:30 – 19:00FAH/DPHIL Lecture Series – “Viewing Humans and the World Through Affairs” by Prof. Yang Guorong
人文學院哲學與宗教學系系列講座:”Viewing Humans and the World Through Affairs”,楊國榮教授
E21A-3118 & Zoom
19:00 – 20:30FAH-DCLL Guest Lecture: “The multifunctionality of gwo3 in Cantonese: A synchronic and diachronic perspective” by Prof. Yuk-man Carine Yiu
E21-3118 & Zoom
More events 更多活動 / Submit an event 發佈活動

News & Upcoming Activities 新聞及活動預告 Dept. 部門
Olympic gold medalist Yang Yilin shares her athletic story with students as she starts her academic journey at UM
奧運冠軍入讀澳大 與學生分享追夢心得
Renowned artists from the Central Academy of Fine Arts will give talks on art innovation in the age of AI at UM
UM achieves significant advances in research on oxytocin and social cognitive neuroscience
UM holds Macao Humanities Forum on Chinese poet Wang Anshi’s poems
ICMS/SKLQRCM Distinguished Guest Seminar series (2023-007): Total Synthesis of Natural Products with Bridged Ring Systems by Prof. Chuangchuang LI from Southern University of Science and Technology
中華醫藥研究院特邀嘉賓講座系列 (2023-007): 橋環天然產物全合成 (講者: 南方科技大學化學系 李闖創 終身教授)
[For Staff Only] [Photo Sharing]Microsoft Excel 2019 and PowerPoint 2019 Training for Office Personnel
[僅供職員] [相片分享]為辦公室人員而設的Microsoft Excel 2019 及 PowerPoint 2019培訓課程
【Sports Teams】UM Fencing Team won 2 Gold Medals at “2023 Greater Bay Area Higher Education Institution Elite Fencing Competition”
【體 . 校隊】澳大劍擊隊於「2023 大灣區高校劍擊精英賽」獲2金
【Sports Activity】2023 UM Campus Run was successfully held on 19 Nov
【體 . 活動】2023澳大環校跑於11月19日成功舉行
CMS will conduct the 5th seminar of “Educational Talk Series” at Moon Chun Memorial College (MCMC)
Henry Fok Pearl Jubilee College successfully held the ‘Cultural Exploration Trip at Hong Kong’
【IAS】Guest Lecture: Prof. Sun Jiang – How to Engage in a Conversation with the Past (1SP & 20.0 CS)
【高研院】嘉賓講座:孫江教授 – 如何與過去對話 (1至叻星 & 20CS)
APAEM Seminar Series: National Interest in Private International Law: Rediscovery, Rationalisation and Theorisation (24 Nov)
亞太經濟與管理研究所研討會系列: 國際私法中的國家利益:重新發現、合理化與理論化 (11月24日)
[Reminder] The 15th UM Scholar Research Forum: Building the First Line of Defense for the Safety of Chinese Medicines with Modern Technology [Light Refreshments & 0.5 Smart Point & 10 CS Points]
溫馨提示:澳大學人研究講壇第十五講:用現代科技築起中藥安全的第一道防線 [簡餐一份 & 0.5粒至叻星 & 10個CS分數]
Second Chinese Culture Festival: “A Beautiful Journey” Documentary Screening of Na Tcha Customs and Beliefs
“Viewing the Constitution of the PRC from the Perspectives of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics” Talk
300 Free Tickets (for students only) : Macao Orchestra University Concert《Dream of Future in Music》 (2023/11/26, 20:00, University of Macau – N2 University Hall)
300張免費門票(僅限學生):澳門樂團《大學音樂會 – 樂載憧憬》(2023/11/26, 20:00, 澳門大學-N2大學會堂)
External Activity: 2023 World Mental Health Day: Chill 乎想像嘉年華
校外活動:2023世界精神健康日: “Out of Expectation” Carnival
External Activity: Chinese Youth Aspiration Promotion Association of Macau: Cultural Exchange Trip to Heilongjiang ( Deadline for Application: 6pm on 22 Nov)
校外活動: 澳門中華青年展志協進會:澳門青年.東北文化之旅 (截止報名日期: 11月22日, 18:00)
External Activity:Macau Young Entrepreneur Incubation Centre: Sharing Session
校外活動: 澳門青年創業孵化中心:澳門青創進駐香港創業園攻略分享會
More news 更多新聞 / Submit news 發佈新聞

Internal Notices 校內通告 Dept. 部門
[For Staff Only] Free tickets: Macao Orchestra “University concert – Dream of Future in Music” (26 November 2023, 8 pm)
[僅供職員] 免費門票派發:澳門樂團《大學音樂會 — 樂載憧憬》(2023年11月26日,晚上8時)
[For Staff Only] 【Enrollment Deadline on 27 Nov 2023, Monday】UM Recreational Club Interest Class in December: “Christmas Frosted Cookie House”
[僅供職員] 【11月27日下週一截止報名】澳大康樂會十二月興趣班:「聖誕立體糖霜曲奇屋」
ICTO Help Desk Counter Temporary Move to E5-2087 Starting From 27 November 2023
資訊及通訊科技部服務中心將於11月27日起臨時搬遷至 E5-2087
All active notices 所有內部通告

Student Notices 學生通告 Dept. 部門
CMS【Invite to fill out the questionnaire】Survey on Career Choices of Prospective University Graduates
News Express: Olympic gold medalist Yang Yilin shares her athletic story with students as she starts her academic journey at UM
新聞快訊:奧運冠軍入讀澳大 與學生分享追夢心得
News Express: Renowned artists from the Central Academy of Fine Arts will give talks on art innovation in the age of AI at UM
【External Activity】Voyage Global Leadership Development Program by Marriott International is open for application now (Application deadline: 31 Jan 2024)
【校外活動】萬豪國際全球領導力發展項目Voyage啟航者現正接受申請 (截止報名日期:2024年1月31日)
News Express: UM achieves significant advances in research on oxytocin and social cognitive neuroscience
News Express: UM holds Macao Humanities Forum on Chinese poet Wang Anshi’s poems
【External Activity】Greater Bay Area Industrial Innovation Talents Recruitment Fair
【External Activity】2023 Overseas Experts’ Southern Guangdong Tour in Huizhou
【校外活動】2023年海外專家南粵行 惠州專場
【Career Development Centre of Student Affairs Office】 Further Study Insider (7): Common Mistakes You Should Avoid When You Write a Resume for Postgraduate Programme Admissions
【學生事務部 生涯發展中心】 升學情報(七):在撰寫研究生申請履歷時應避免的常見錯誤
【External Activity】AMCM organizes “Banking Experience Program” (Application deadline: 26/11)
【校外活動】澳門金融管理局舉辦 “銀行業體驗計劃” (截止報名日期: 26/11)
Reminder: Talk for “Beware of Job Scam” (30 Nov, 15:00)
提提你:提防求職陷阱講座 (11月30日下午3時)
Morning Express: UM Today 《今日澳大》(for students), 21/11/2023CO
All active student notices 所有學生通告

"UM Today” is a daily internal e-newsletter released by the Communications Office, which aims to provide UM members with the up-to-date information about events, seminars, news, internal notices and student activities. To review the previous issues of UM Today, please access the UM Today Database. Should you have any enquiries about UM Today, please feel free to contact the Communications Office at 88228090 or


First Released time首次發佈時間: 22/11/2023 09:00

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