Web version 網頁版

Time 時間 Today’s Events 今日活動 Venue 地點
11:00 – 12:00The 11th UM Scholar Research Forum: Iron: The troublemaker of vitamin C in cancer therapy
Auditorium, University of Macau Gallery (E1)
15:00 – 16:00FSS-DCOM Guest Lecture: “The Last Kings of Shanghai: How Two Rival Jewish Dynasties Ignited the Rise of China” by Mr. Jonathan Kaufman
社會科學學院傳播系 客席講座 – Jonathan Kaufman 先生
Room G035, Humanities and Social Sciences Building (E21)
15:00 – 16:00“How UM Alumni Athletes Achieve Success at Work” Sharing Session (2nd Session)
Student Activity Centre Theatre (E31)
Honours College Certificate Programme 2023/2024: Open Application (cont)
榮譽學院證書課程 2023/2024: 公開招生
Online application
More events 更多活動 / Submit an event 發佈活動

News & Upcoming Activities 新聞及活動預告 Dept. 部門
Free Tickets: UM Symphonic Band & String Orchestra Graduation Concert “Platform No. 9” (Date: 24 March 2023, 20:00, Student Activity Centre E31-Theatre) 1SP & 15.0 “Cultural Engagement” (CS)
免費門票:澳門大學管樂團及弦樂團畢業音樂會「9號月台」 – (2023年3月24日, 20:00, 學生活動中心E31劇場) 1粒至叻星及15.0個「Cultural Engagement」的分數 (即CS)
Joyous Hiking in Macao Series: Past and Present – Village of Our Lady in Ka Ho
澳門郊遊樂系列:古往今來 – 九澳聖母村
Invitation to the Sharing Session: Learning about the “Two Sessions” (March 22, 15:15, E31 SAC Theatre)
誠邀參與“全國人大、全國政協會議”精神分享會: “兩會”精神你要知 (3月22日, 15:15, E31學生活動中心劇場)
Competition for Macao tertiary institutions on innovative business plans for markets 2023 is now open for application
More news 更多新聞 / Submit news 發佈新聞

Internal Notices 校內通告 Dept. 部門
Sports: Update of Closure Date for Monthly Surface Cleaning of Outdoor Basketball and Tennis Courts from March to December 2023
PhD Oral Defence in Faculty of Law by Mr. LI CHEN on 16 March 2023FLL
[For Staff Only] (Enrollment deadline is 25 March 2023) Enrollment for Obra das Mães Nursery School (for year 2023-2024)
[僅供職員] (2023年3月25日截止報名) 報讀母親會托兒所之注意事項 (2023-2024年度)
[For Staff Only] Reminder: Annual Call for Staff Housing Application 2022–2023
[僅供職員] 提提您:教職員宿舍住宿2022至2023年度申請
[For Staff Only] Reminder: Internal Recruitment for Head of Public Relations Section in the Communications OfficeADMO-HRS
“Earth Hour 2023” Lights Out Campaign: 8:30 PM-9:30 PM on 25 March 2023
「地球一小時2023」熄燈活動:2023年3月25日 晚上8:30-9:30
All active notices 所有內部通告

Student Notices 學生通告 Dept. 部門
Calls For Civil Protection Volunteers
[Career Development Centre of Student Affairs Office] Career Insider (11): What questions can you ask an employer at interview?
[學生事務部 生涯發展中心] 就業情報 (十一):哪些問題可以在面試中問僱主?
UM Dance Troupe appreciated the dance performance “Track by Hou Ying Dance Theatre”
FAH-ELC ECAC Student Activity Write-up: VARK (workshop)FAH
【External Activity】 Micro Connect (H.K.) Investments Limited will organize a recruitment talk on 25 March
Morning Express: UM Today 《今日澳大》(for students), 10/03/2023-13/03/2023CO
FAH-ELC ECAC Student Activity: “Presentation Techniques – PECHAKUCHA” (March 15, Wed)
人文學院英語中心ECAC學生活動:”Presentation Techniques – PECHAKUCHA” (3月15日,週三)
FAH-ELC EWCC Student Activities: “The Way You Talk and What It Says About You” (Mar 15) & “Impromptu Speech” (Mar 16)
人文學院英語中心EWCC學生活動:“The Way You Talk and What It Says About You” (3月15日) & “Impromptu Speech” (3月16日)
Wilderness Advanced First Aid (WAFA) course
All active student notices 所有學生通告

Submit News and Events 發佈新聞及活動 Venue Booking 借用場地 Indoor and Outdoor Digital Signage Booking 室內外數位看板申請
myUM Portal myUM 入口網站 Sports Facilities Booking 借用體育設施 Leave Application System 休假申請
University Almanac 校曆 Equipment Booking 借用物品 Lost and Found 失物認領

"UM Today” is a daily internal e-newsletter released by the Communications Office, which aims to provide UM members with the up-to-date information about events, seminars, news, internal notices and student activities. To review the previous issues of UM Today, please access the UM Today Database. Should you have any enquiries about UM Today, please feel free to contact the Communications Office at 88228090 or co@um.edu.mo.


First Released time 首次發佈時間: 14/03/2023 09:00

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