Centre for Science & Engineering Promotion

With tendency of STEM education, the demand for laboratory facilities is highly required by local high schools, thus, the laboratory equipment owned by University of Macau is able to be utilized for improving STEM teaching for secondary schools. In 2015, Macau Science and Technology Development Fund and University of Macau have signed the Memorandum of Science Cooperation, which included the establishment of the Centre for Science and Engineering Promotion, it aims to optimize the usage of research resources and STEM related equipment in University of Macau for the sake of enhancing teenagers’ scientific level and; facilitate the sharing scheme of STEM resources with local schools as well as make good use of the equipment of universities and; strengthen local students’ scientific literacy and awareness of popular science.

Macao Base for Primary & Secondary STEM Education

Macao Base for Primary & Secondary STEM Education of University of Macau was established in June 2018 to promote and strengthen science popularization and STEM education in collaboration with Macau Science and Technology Development Fund, Macau Education and Youth Affairs Bureau, Chinese Educators’ Association of Macau, Macau Catholic Schools Association, Macao Science Center and Macau Communications Museum. It consists of resources of Faculty of Science and Technology, Institute of Chinese Medical Sciences, Faculty of Health Sciences, Institute of Applied Physics and Materials Engineering and Faculty of Education over and above the relevant STEM supporting facilities in order to provide All-In-One STEM trainings and competitions.