Fundo para o Desenvolvimento das Ciências e da Tecnologia

O objectivo do Fundo visa a concessão de apoio financeiro ao ensino, investigação e realização de projectos, no quadro dos objectivos da política das ciências e da tecnologia da Região Administrativa Especial de Macau.Na prossecução dos seus fins, o FDCT apoia, em especial, os seguintes projectos:

  • Apoio Financeiro
  • Financeiro Conjunto com MOST, NSFC, GDST, FCT, EC
  • Programa Específico de Apoio Financeiro para Projectos-Chave de I&D de Macau
  • Programa específico de Apoio Financeiro para Instituições de Ensino Superior em Aquisição de Equipamentos e Aparelhos de Investigação Científica
  • Programa Específico de Apoio Financeiro do Laboratório e Centro de I&D

Direcção dos Serviços de Educação e de Desenvolvimento da Juventude

A criação do Fundo do Ensino Superior tem por objectivo atribuir apoios às actividades das instituições do ensino superior; conceder apoios financeiros às instituições do ensino superior relativos à construção de instalações e à aquisição de equipamentos; apoiar financeiramente projectos de investigação científica; conceder prémios ou apoios aos trabalhadores que exercem a docência ou investigação científica no ensino superior.

  • Financiamentos Especiais para Formação de Quadros Qualificados Bilingues em Chinês e Português e para a Cooperação do Ensino e da Investigação das Instituições do Ensino Superior de Macau
  • Plano de Financiamentos Especiais para Estudos nas Áreas de Humanidades e Sociedade das Instituições do Ensino Superior de Macau

Fundação Macau

A Fundação tem por fins a promoção, o desenvolvimento e o estudo de acções de carácter cultural, social, económico, educativo, científico, académico e filantrópico, incluindo actividades que visem a promoção de Macau.

Department of Science and Technology of Guangdong Province

To further implement the innovation-driven development strategy and promote the coordinated development of technological innovation in Guangdong, Hong Kong, and Macao, universities and research institutions in the Hong Kong SAR and Macao SAR can participate in some special research projects and funds supported by Guangdong Province.

Guangzhou Municipal Science and Technology Bureau

UM signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Guangzhou Science Technology and Innovation Commission (GSTIC) in 2017, in regards to the university as one of key external collaboration partner. Guangzhou Municipal Science and Technology Bureau released the “Guangzhou Science and Technology Innovation and Development fund for external R&D cooperation projects”, which provided funding availability to UM. This fund aims to encourage technological collaboration between academia and Guangzhou enterprises, and to foster the development of strategic and emerging industries.

Science, Technology and Innovation Commission of Shenzhen Municipality

Science, Technology and Innovation Commission of Shenzhen Municipality (STICSZM) is the administrative department in Shenzhen, which coordinates the development of science and technology. It is responsible for managing the national/provincial programs and projects, formulating the related rules and regulations, training and providing support service to high-tech enterprises, and promoting high-tech achievement transformation and applied technology development. In addition, it is involved in promoting the development of related strategic emerging industries, as well as the construction and management of the city’s high-tech zones, etc.

Zhuhai Municipal Science and Technology Innovation Bureau

Zhuhai Municipal Science and Technology Innovation Bureau (ZHMSTIB) is the department of Zhuhai People’s Government. One of its functions is to promote external scientific and technological cooperation and exchanges of scientific and technological talents, and participate in the promotion of technological innovation and cooperation in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.

National Natural Science Foundation of China

The National Natural Science Foundation of China adapts to the phased development needs of basic research funding management, coordinates the key elements of basic research, and gradually builds a four-in-one funding structure of exploration, talent, tools, and integration. The common project types are as follows:

  • General Program
  • Major Program
  • Young Scientists Fund
  • Excellent Young Scientists Fund
  • Excellent Young Scientists Fund (Hong Kong and Macao)
  • Joint Research Fund for Overseas Chinese Scholars and Scholars in Hong Kong and Macao

Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China

According to the Agreement between the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China and the Macao Science and Technology Development Fund on Jointly Funding Cooperative R&D Projects between the two regions, the Macao Science and Technology Development Fund and the Ministry of Science and Technology jointly launched a joint research funding project.