The Centre for Chinese History and Culture (CCHC) of the University of Macau (UM) and the Macao Base for Primary & Secondary Education in Humanities & Social Sciences jointly held the Fourth Macao Forum on Education in Humanities and Social Sciences—Macao’s Basic Education in AI Era: Challenges and Changes. During the forum, experts, scholars, and practitioners from the education sector had in-depth exchanges and discussions on the development of technology and education to provide references for the application of artificial intelligence (AI) technology in Macao’s basic education.
Zhu Shoutong, director of CCHC, said that the rapid development of AI technology has posed great challenges to basic education in primary and secondary schools, as well as to higher education in the humanities and social sciences. He added that the forum aimed to combine theory and practical experience to discuss different issues in-depth. Zheng Jiezhao, principal of Lou Hau High School, discussed topics such as the application of AI technology in various aspects of teaching and its impact on students’ learning styles, as well as the possibilities of teacher-AI collaboration. Chan Kin Pong, principal of Kwong Tai Middle School, remarked that educators in the AI era should focus on cultivating students’ comprehensive capabilities, such as emotional intelligence, critical thinking skills, and creativity, and provide students with proper career guidance. Wang Sihao, associate professor in the Department of Chinese Language and Literature of UM’s Faculty of Arts and Humanities, discussed the new challenges and opportunities for basic education in Macao in the AI era, such as cultivating students’ core competence and protecting data privacy.

Source: Centre for Chinese History and Culture
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