The University of Macau (UM) has kicked off an exhibition of Chinese translations of classic works by Portuguese authors. The exhibition features 40 Chinese translations of classic works by Portuguese authors, including works of the Portuguese writer José Saramago, winner of the 1998 Nobel Prize in literature. The exhibition is open until 18 May. All are welcome. 

Co-organised by the Faculty of Arts and Humanities (FAH) and the university library, the exhibition is part of a series of events to celebrate the World Portuguese Language Day. The following individuals attended the opening ceremony: UM Vice Rector Rui Martins, FAH Interim Dean Xu Jie, Librarian Wu Jianzhong, and FAH professor Yao Jingming. In his speech, Prof Martins said that as a multicultural society, Macao serves as a platform for exchanges between China and Portuguese-speaking countries, and Portuguese language education is of great importance to Macao in achieving moderate economic diversification and leveraging its regional strengths. After the ceremony, students of the Department of Portuguese recited a Portuguese poem titled ‘The Future Is a Morning’. 

During the exhibition, the libraries of Shanghai International Studies University, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Tianjin Foreign Studies University, Sun Yat-sen University, Beijing Normal University (Zhuhai), Sichuan International Studies University, Sichuan Normal University, and the City University of Macau joined the UM library in holding online and offline commemorative activities.  

The exhibition is located in the University Gallery (E1). It opens daily from 9:00am to 6:00pm until 18 May. 

Source: Library
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