The core value of higher education should not be limited to the acquisition of knowledge and skills—higher education should also promote character development, open one’s eyes and mind, broaden horizons, and help draw a blueprint for life. This issue of “umagazine” focuses on people. umagazine invited three master scientists, Prof Andrew Yao, his wife Prof Frances Yao, and his former teacher Prof David Chung-Laung Liu, for an interview to share their life experiences and some insightful views on higher education and success. Another person that shares his inspiring life story in this issue is Prof Qian Tao from the Department of Mathematics, who received the sole first prize of the Macao Science and Technology Award in the Natural Science Award category.
The University of Macau (UM) is now implementing a “4-in-1” educational model that consists of discipline-specific education, general education, research and internship education, and community and peer education, as part of its efforts to develop into a world-class university with characteristics. How can UM’s student affairs professionals contribute to the realisation of this objective, especially after UM moves to the new campus? In this issue’s feature article “New Direction, New Start”, umagazine interviewed UM Vice Rector (Student Affairs) Prof. Haydn Chen, UM’s Dean of Students Dr. Peter Yu, as well as some participants of an earlier advanced training course in student affairs offered by the Macau Student Affairs Institute. They discussed how UM plans to help students acquire and improve soft skills.
As the largest comprehensive public university in Macao, UM takes it upon itself to fulfill its social responsibility in addition to nurturing outstanding graduates. This issue’s article “UM: Aiming For World-Class, Fulfilling Social Responsibility” will give readers a better understanding of the interactions and ties between UM and the community. “Scientific Research Enriches Life: iINTERACT Eye Tracking System” tells the story of how two UM graduates of the Faculty of Science and Technology successfully developed a low-cost, easy-to-use eye-tracking technology with the help of their teacher as well as how they plan to benefit the community with this technology. Also worth reading are articles in the newly-launched “Faculty Column”, in which faculty members share their insightful views on a diverse range of issues. “Umagazine” is a bi-annual publication of UM first launched in 2009. Readers are welcome to read or download the e-version at
Should you have any inquiries about the press release, please feel free to contact Ms. Veronica Tang at(853)8397 4323 or or visit UM webpage