Robert Kegan of Harvard Graduate School, the world renowned developmental psychologist and a master in institutional change was invited by the University of Macau to give a talk on ‘Immunity to Change’ 17th September 2012 at STDM Auditorium, the University Library. Organized by the Asia-Pacific Academy for Economics and Management in concert with the Faculty of Business Administration, the Faculty of Education and the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, the lecture was to address a range of related issues of the importance of change, how to effect efficient institutional as well as personal growth through change and the difficulties involved that needed to be solved. The speech drew a large audience of faculty and students of UM.
The talk focussed on leadership development, institutional change and personal application. Through activities and interaction between the speaker and the audience, it gave the audience a real sense of participation in that they were given an opportunity to give a deeper thought to the respective theory, explore it and relate it to their personal experience. With theory and application integrated, the presentation aimed to convey to the audience the essence of ‘immunity to change’, and the fact that our mindset could lead to behavioral change.
A world renowned guru of change, Professor Kegan is the William and Miriam Meehan Professor in Adult Learning and Professional Development at Harvard University. He is the founding principal of MINDS AT WORK. Over the past thirty years, he and his partner have helped individuals and corporations realize their developmental goals. He is also one of the receipients of the Gislason Prize for contributions to organizational leadership. His research and publications in the fields of management, leadership and organizational learning all have enormous influence internationally.Should you have any inquiries about the press release, please feel free to contact Ms.Lei or Ms Lai at(853)8397 4325 or or visit UM webpage