The 19th Intervarsity Cantonese Debate Contest took place in Shatin City Hall in Hong Kong on 8 August 2010. The University of Macau (UM) Cantonese Debate Team (negative side) competed against the Chinese University of Hong Kong (affirmative side) over the topic “networking websites have more positive effects than negative effects on society”.
Members of UM team included opening speaker Mr. Ho Sio Pong, first speaker Mr. Fong Pak Weng, second speaker Mr. Pui Sin Tat, and concluding speaker Mr. Fong Tin Wan. The atmosphere throughout the contest was very exciting, with both sides firmly standing their grounds. Finally UM team won the contest with a score of 2-1. First speaker Mr. Fong Pak Weng won the Best Debater Award.
After the contest, the two teams shared debating skills with the aim of improving team members’ performance in future contests.