Enter the dimly-lit room, and you hear creepy music that makes your hair stand on end. As you try to calm your nerves while hearing your heart thumping in the ear, you are greeted by reception staff with a stream of blood flowing from the corners of their mouths and eyes. You survey your surroundings and see skeletons and spider webs everywhere. You escape into a snaking pipe, only to stumble over a pile of artificial legs and arms into swarming colonies of cockroaches.

This is what you would have experienced if you had attended the Halloween party organised by the Pearl Jubilee College on 27 October.

Those who “survived” the “scary room” were rewarded with delicious pumpkin and sago sweet soup. Students made jack-o’-lanterns and watched a horror film over snacks afterwards.

Should you have any enquiries about the press release, please feel free to contact Ms. Kristy Fok at(853)8397 4325 or prs.media@um.edu.mo or visit UM webpage www.umac.mo.