Convite à Imprensa

Nome : A UM vai expor coleções privadas de Ng Lee Fan, das dinastias Ming e Qing, da República da China
Organizer : The University of Macau Library、 The Macau Collectors Association
Data : 14 Sep 2016, Wednesday
Horário : 4:00pm
Venue : Exhibition Hall, University of Macau Wu Yee Sun Library (E2)
Conteúdo : Over 100 ancient documents from Mr Ng Lee Fan’s personal collections from Ming, Qing dynasties, and the Republic of China will be exhibited in the UM Wu Yee Sun Library. All the items will be donated to the UM Library for preservation and references when the exhibition is over. The opening ceremony will include a ribbon cutting ceremony and a donation ceremony.
Language : Cantonese , Mandarin

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