Web version 網頁版

Time 時間 Today’s Events 今日活動 Venue 地點
09:00 – 19:00FSS-DCOM: 2023 Graduate Publication Distribution——《Su》and 《Élan》, rejuvenation and hope (cont)
社會科學學院傳播系: 出版刊物《甦》與《Élan》,復甦與希望新書派發學生活動
FSS Main Lobby (E21B) & E6 Central Teaching Building G/F Common Area
More events 更多活動 / Submit an event 發佈活動

News & Upcoming Activities 新聞及活動預告 Dept. 部門
UM awards long-serving staff and outstanding administrative staff
UM professor Lampo Leong awarded funding by China National Arts Fund
【活動回顧】澳門大學創新創業中心攜優秀初創公司出展第三屆BEYOND國際科技創新博覽會(Chinese Only)ICI
【活動報名】“走,去深圳” 粵港澳大灣區創業就業政策宣講——澳門大學站(活動日期:2023年05月19日)(Chinese Only)ICI
IAS Guest Lecture: 自然·人性·技術·權力——一個抗疫的分析框架
【提提你】2023澳門青年創新創業大賽最後5日截止報名!(活動截止日期:2023年05月22日)(Chinese Only)ICI
More news 更多新聞 / Submit news 發佈新聞

Internal Notices 校內通告 Dept. 部門
Macau Tung Sin Tong Scholarship – Calling for application of Scholarship for PhD Program during 22 May to 20 July, 2023
澳門同善堂獎學金 – 博士課程獎學金將於5月22日至7月20日接受申請
[For Staff Only] UM holds the “Long Service Award and Outstanding Administrative Staff Award Ceremony”
[僅供職員] 澳大舉辦「長期服務獎暨傑出行政人員獎頒獎典禮」
All active notices 所有內部通告

Student Notices 學生通告 Dept. 部門
News Express: UM professor Lampo Leong awarded funding by China National Arts Fund
【New Internship Location】DSEDJ organizes the Mainland China Internship Program for Macau University Students
Safe School Network Bulletin by Judiciary Police
Morning Express: UM Today 《今日澳大》(for students), 17/05/2023CO
News Express: UM awards long-serving staff and outstanding administrative staff
All active student notices 所有學生通告

Submit News and Events 發佈新聞及活動 Venue Booking 借用場地 Indoor and Outdoor Digital Signage Booking 室內外數位看板申請
myUM Portal myUM 入口網站 Sports Facilities Booking 借用體育設施 Leave Application System 休假申請
University Almanac 校曆 Equipment Booking 借用物品 Lost and Found 失物認領

"UM Today” is a daily internal e-newsletter released by the Communications Office, which aims to provide UM members with the up-to-date information about events, seminars, news, internal notices and student activities. To review the previous issues of UM Today, please access the UM Today Database. Should you have any enquiries about UM Today, please feel free to contact the Communications Office at 88228090 or co@um.edu.mo.


First Released time 首次發佈時間: 18/05/2023 09:00

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