Science Summer Camps develop student's potential in Science. |
This summer, local secondary school students will have one more option to spend their summer holiday in an exciting and meaningful way—by participating in the science summer camps organized by the University of Macau’s (UM) Faculty of Science and Technology. Due to kick off in June and July, the summer camps will cover five areas, namely wireless technology, computer sciences, robots and artificial intelligence, application of electromechanical engineering in light railway system, and civil engineering. The summer camps plans to recruit approximately a hundred local form-4-to-form-6 students, and aims to develop the participants’ interest and potential in science and technology, and enhance their organizational and teamwork skills, through interactive games and scientific experiments.
All summer camps will be open for application on 1 May. Interested students may visit http://www.fst.umac.mo/activities/summercamp/2012.html for details or download of the registration form, or enquire their schools.
For enquiries, please contact Ms. Albee Lei at(853)8397 4325 or albeelei@um.edu.mo, or visit www.umac.mo.