The University of Macau’s (UM) State Key Laboratory of Analog and Mixed-Signal VLSI (AMS-VLSI Lab) contributed two chapters to the first hardware-oriented book on the Internet of Things: Enabling the Internet of Things – from Integrated Circuits to Integrated Systems, published by Springer International. The book was edited by Prof Massimo Alioto from the National University of Singapore, and was officially inaugurated at the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC) held in San Francisco, United States. The book covers all the fundamental building blocks and levels of abstraction related to the design of Internet of Things (IoT) devices, from circuits to architectures and systems.
The two chapters are Chapter 10, titled ‘Power Management Circuit Design for IoT Nodes’, and Chapter 14, titled ‘Circuit Techniques for IoT-Enabling Short-Range ULP Radios’. As a common thread, all chapters conclude with a prospective view on the foreseeable evolution of the related technologies for IoT. The concepts developed throughout the book are exemplified by two IoT node system demonstrations from industry. Chapter contributions come equally from industry and academia.
This book offers the first comprehensive view on integrated circuit and system design for the IoT, and in particular for the tiny nodes at its edge. The authors provide a fresh perspective on how the IoT will evolve based on recent and foreseeable trends in the semiconductor industry, highlighting the key challenges as well as the opportunities for circuit and system innovation to address them. This book describes what the IoT really means from the design point of view, and how the constraints imposed by applications translate into integrated circuit requirements and design guidelines.
After providing a system perspective on IoT nodes, this book focuses on state-of-the-art design techniques for IoT applications, encompassing the fundamental sub-systems encountered in Systems on Chip for IoT.
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