05 Dez 2008 Convites à Imprensa Distinguished Lectures – EM Wave Propagation in the Earth’s Ionosphere
05 Dez 2008 Convites à Imprensa Series of Talks for the Conferment of Degrees of Doctor honoris causa – Staircase to Heaven, Healing the Earth
05 Dez 2008 Convites à Imprensa Series of Talks for the Conferment of Degrees of Doctor honoris causa – The Sudden and Amazing Collapse of the American Casino Industry : Explanations and Projections
05 Dez 2008 Convites à Imprensa ISCG 5th Anniversary & Graduation Ceremony of Diploma in Casino Management
05 Dez 2008 Convites à Imprensa Series of Talks for the Conferment of Degrees of Doctor honoris causa- Peaceful Development and the Role of China in a Changing World
05 Dez 2008 Convites à Imprensa Ceremony for the Conferment of Degrees of Doctor honoris causa, University of Macau
05 Dez 2008 Comunicado de Imprensa Fong Yun Wah Distinguished Lectures Organized by UM Attracts More Than 100 Participants