12 Dez 2008 Comunicado de Imprensa Conferência Internacional sobre “As Reformas Jurídicas de Macau no Contexto Global” No 20º Aniversário da Faculdade de Direito
11 Dez 2008 Convites à Imprensa International Conference on Legal Reforms of Macau in Global Context On the 20th Anniversary of the Faculty of Law
09 Dez 2008 Convites à Imprensa International Conference in Commemoration of the 30th Anniversary of Normalization of Sino-U.S. Relations -“Sino-U.S. Relations: Problems and Prospect”
09 Dez 2008 Comunicado de Imprensa Former Minister for Foreign Affairs Professor Li Zhaoxing invited by UMto Talk about “Peaceful Development and the Role of China in a Changing World”