The University of Macau (UM) held a talk titled ‘Research Opportunities to Address Unmet Needs in Cancer Survivorship’ today (3 January) as part of its University Lecture Series. The speaker was Alexandre Chan, founding chair and professor in the Department of Clinical Pharmacy Practice at the School of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of California, Irvine.

In his speech, UM Vice Rector Michael Hui introduced Prof Chan and highlighted his expertise in pharmacotherapy and oncology pharmacy. He also mentioned Prof Chan’s academic and research achievements, including his publications on cancer supportive care and survivorship in medical and pharmacy journals, and his research projects funded by government agencies, foundations and pharmaceutical companies in the United States and Singapore.

During the talk, Prof Chan mentioned that his laboratory, in collaboration with international organisations, has conducted extensive research to analyse the physical, psychological, emotional, social, and economic impact on patients from cancer diagnosis through treatment and rehabilitation, with the aim of improving support and pharmaceutical care for cancer patients. Prof Chan also shared his laboratory’s ongoing efforts to address and reduce the unmet needs of cancer survivors. In addition, Prof Chan engaged with the audience in the Q&A and discussion session moderated by Chen Xin, director of the Institute of Chinese Medical Sciences.

Source: Rector’s Office
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