At the invitation of the National Medical Products Administration and the People’s Government of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, the Permanent Secretariat of Western Pacific Regional Forum for the Harmonization of Herbal Medicines (FHH), which is established at the University of Macau (UM), participated in the 7th China-ASEAN Summit for Drug Development and Cooperation. Under the theme ‘Conveying the Voice of Traditional Chinese Medicine to the World, Creating a New Future for Traditional Medicines’, the summit brought together more than 300 participants, including officials of drug regulatory authorities in China and the ten ASEAN member states, and representatives from international organisations, agencies based in China, and pharmaceutical companies at home and abroad. Li Shaoping, head of the permanent secretariat of FHH and director of the Macao Centre for Testing of Chinese Medicine, attended the summit and presented a report on strengthening regional cooperation and promoting the harmonisation of herbal medicines at a closed meeting on quality standards for traditional medicines.

Source: Institute of Chinese Medical Sciences
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