An inauguration ceremony for the 11th cohort of UM Reporters and the 13th cohort of PR Student Ambassadors (PRSA) was recently held at the University of Macau (UM). In his speech, Mok Kai Meng, vice rector of UM, said that members of the two programmes showcase UM’s academic image and tell the stories of UM members through their articles, videos, and campus tours, which helps to increase the university’s international reputation. At the ceremony, Prof Mok presented to the 70 new UM Reporters and PRSAs their press passes and name badges. Katrina Cheong, director of UM’s Communications Office, presented certificates to the Top Ten Outstanding UM Reporters and the Top Ten Outstanding PR Student Ambassadors in the past year. Henry Xu, a representative of UM Reporters, and Koni Lau, a representative of PRSAs, then shared their experiences in the two programmes respectively. 

Source: Communications Office
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