In order to identify entrepreneurial projects with development potential, the University of Macau Development Foundation (UDMF) provided support for the University of Macau (UM) to launch the second funding scheme for innovation and entrepreneurship. The first roadshow of candidate projects was held at UM’s Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (CIE) in mid-June. Projects that have passed the assessment will receive a certain amount of start-up funds to market their R&D results or innovative ideas, which is expected to promote the diversification of Macao’s industries and the development of the Guangdong-Macao In-depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin. A total of 12 entrepreneurial teams from UM participated in the roadshow, covering a wide range of skills and backgrounds, including culture and creativity, applied physics, materials engineering, electrical engineering, information technology, Chinese medicine, pharmaceutical preparations, ophthalmic research, and cell therapy. The teams include successful start-up projects who have won awards at entrepreneurial competitions in Hengqin and Macao. Launched in 2018, the funding scheme aims to provide start-up support for entrepreneurial teams incubated at the CIE to encourage them to accelerate the pace of bringing their results to the market.

Source: Institute of Collaborative Innovation
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