Mathew Lam, an alumnus of the University of Macau (UM) Department of Psychology, works as a full-time music producer. To celebrate the 40th anniversary of the university, he has invited former members of the UM Students’ Union (UMSU) to record his original song ‘We Are UMSU’ as a gift to their alma mater. The song also aims to spread positive messages in the local community.


The song ‘We Are UMSU’ is composed, arranged, and produced solely by Lam to be the UMSU’s anthem. ‘The COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically changed the way we interact with each other. Because of the distancing measures, we don’t talk to others face-to-face as much as before. I wrote this song to encourage everyone affected by the pandemic.’ Lam himself is a former member of the UMSU and has a strong sense of belonging to the union. ‘The union never had an anthem and I really wanted to make it happen,’ says Lam.

Many people, including UM students and alumni, contributed to the production of the song, with UM-graduated professional singers and current members of the UM Choir on vocals. As the coordinator of the project, Lam encountered different challenges in the process, but he managed to overcome them by working with other team members. ‘We dedicate the song to our alma mater for her 40th anniversary. We also hope to convey positive messages to all UM members and society through the song,’ says Lam.

Lam says ‘We Are UMSU’ and its music video were originally scheduled to be performed at Orientation Night, a signature event organised by the Students’ Union, but due to the unexpected development of the pandemic at the start of the new academic year in August, the plan has been postponed. ‘There will be more exciting events to follow, such as song production sharing sessions and music production workshops,’ says Lam. ‘So stay tuned!’

Psychology and Music Production

Before becoming a music producer, Lam was a psychology student, admitted into UM’s Department of Psychology in 2012. You might think that his professional knowledge in psychology doesn’t have much to do with music production, but according to Lam, a solid background in psychology has been beneficial to his work as a producer, which often involves dealing with different kinds of people. ‘In my job as a music producer, I often need to make singers feel comfortable before they enter the recording studio,’ says Lam. ‘For example, I may chat with them to help them better understand their songs. During moments like these, my knowledge of psychology comes in handy, as they require good communication skills.

During his four years at UM, Lam lived in Choi Kai Yau College, where he helped to organise music activities and made friends with other students who also loved music. ‘I remember the college held lectures and music performances on a regular basis. It provided a platform for us to showcase our talent and exchange ideas with like-minded friends,’ say Lam. ‘My life in the residential college have left me with many unforgettable memories.’

After graduation, Lam worked as a salesperson for a while and later founded his own 3AM Music Studio. In 2019, he joined a music production course taught by Ken Sou Io Kuong, who is also an alumnus of UM and the president of the Macau Music Industry Association. That course became Lam’s gateway to the music industry. ‘Opportunities pass by unsuspecting people all the time. Keep learning so that when they knock on you door, you will be well prepared to grasp them,’ says Lam.

Source: My UM e-version