Prof. Harry R. Lewis from Harvard University gave a public lecture on general education and the moral role of universities on 31 October at the invitation of the University of Macau (UM). In his lecture, Prof. Lewis talked about the place of universities in society and the core business of universities—the pursuit of truth. He believes that universities should safeguard academic freedom and freedom of speech and should encourage teachers and students to pursue the truth. He thinks that moral education and civic education are gradually being replaced and compromised by other more practical values, and the advent of the internet has diminished universities’ role in imparting knowledge to students. Therefore, now is perhaps the time to once again stress the moral mission of universities, and general education is both a reflection of this shared value as well as a means of teaching the value.
Chaired by UM Vice Rector (Academic Affairs) Prof. Simon Ho, the lecture attracted a full-house audience. During the Q&A section, Prof. Lewis answered questions from the audience and also shared some anecdotes about Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg while they were his students. Citing the examples of the two drop-outs who later achieved great success, Prof. Lewis pointed out that even in the US, the role and value of higher education is still a complicated issue that’s undergoing continuous discussion. He encouraged UM and all higher education institutions in China to try and find a path that suits themselves. A prolific writer, Prof. Lewis has published numerous books, including Excellence Without a Soul: Does Liberal Education have a Future?, Blown to Bits: Your Life, Liberty, and Happiness After the Digital Explosion, and What is College For? The Public Purpose of Higher Education.
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