Inauguration of the new board members of HCSA |
Many teachers and students attend the gathering |
The University of Macau’s (UM) Honours College Student Association (HCSA) recently organized “the HCSA Turnover Ceremony and Study Abroad Pre-departure Gathering 2011”. Ten students of Class of 2014 were sworn in as the third board members of HCSA. At the gathering, students and guests gave their best wishes to the Class of 2013 students who are going to study abroad in the U.S. and Portugal in early 2012.
Dean of the Honours College (HC), Prof. Mok Kai Meng, Honours Programme Coordinator Prof. Doris Mok, faculty coordinators, as well as teaching fellows and HC students, witnessed the inauguration of the new board of HCSA. Former HCSA President Tiffany Chui and current president Eliza Chu shared their feelings and experiences of serving their fellow schoolmates during their tenure at HCSA.
Teachers and students also took the opportunity to give their best wishes to the Class of 2013 students who are going to study abroad in the U.S. and Portugal in early 2012. HC students have the chance to study at top-tier universities abroad during the spring semester in their junior year, to gain global experiences, broaden horizons, and meet friends from different cultures. The Class of 2013 students are the second batch of HC students to study abroad, and they will study for one semester at Boston College, the University of Rochester, the University of Michigan – Ann Arbor, and the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign in the U.S., as well as the University of Coimbra in Portugal.
Prof. Mok Kai Meng said that the first batch of HC students achieved good academic results and were highly praised by partner universities. Prof. Mok expressed his hope that the second batch can follow the good example of their senior fellows, to carry on the spirit of HC, and to achieve better results.
HCSA was established in 2010. It aims to provide HC students opportunities to develop leadership skills and promote personal growth. HCSA also serves as a platform for HC students, non-HC students and society to interact with one another. In the past year, HCSA organized a variety of activities, such as the Honours Forum Dialogue/Lecture Series, student retreats and leadership workshops.
Should you have any query, please feel free to contact Ms. Albee Lei at(853)8397 4325 or albeelei@um.edu.mo or visit UM webpage www.umac.mo.