An international conference on women and gender in Chinese regions, co-organized by the Department of History of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, University of Macau (UM), and the California State University Los Angeles, George Washington University, Rice University, and National Taiwan University, will be held at UM on 18 June and 19 June. Keynote speakers will include Prof. Maria Jaschok from the University of Oxford, Prof. Paul R. Goldin from the University of Pennsylvania, and Prof. Beata Grant from Washington University at St. Louis.

The study of women and gender is at the cutting edge of religious studies, and in recent years numerous fruits have been yielded in the field. However, there have never been any international conferences devoted to the studies in this field. This conference will be the first of its kind and will therefore greatly advance the studies of women, gender and religion-related issues in the field and enhance the ties between Macao and the international community.
The conference has the support of Macao Foundation; Macau Government Tourist Office; Cultural Affairs Bureau; and Women’s Association of Macau. It will bring together scholars from renowned universities in North America, Europe, mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao. There will be three keynote speeches and four panel discussions.

The opening ceremony will take place at UM’s University Library at 9:00 am on 18 June. The conference will be conducted in English and will be open to the public. All are welcome.

For enquiries, please call 83978801.