The eighth Macao Inter-Tertiary Debating Competition (English Debates) organized by Tertiary Education Services Office (GAES) was held from 15 Oct to 17 Oct 2010 at Pui Ching Middle College. The University of Macau (UM) sent 4 teams to participate in the competition and won the championship and four individual awards (Best Debater at the Grand Final and the first, second, and fourth Best Debater in Preliminary Round). This is the third time since 2008 that UM English Debating Team has won the champion at this competition.
Participating tertiary education institutes include:
• University of Macau (UM)
• Macau Polytechnic Institute (IPM)
• Macau University of Science and Technology (MUST)
• Institute of Tourism Studies (IFT)
• University of St. Joseph (St. Joseph)
• Kiang Wu Nursing College (KWNC)
The four teams from the UM English Debating Team performed very well. All of them were ranked among the top 5 in the preliminary round of the competition. However, according to the rules and regulations of the competition, only the two teams with the highest score of an institute (UM-Team A & UM-Team C) can advance to the Octo-final.
With their impressive performance, UM-Team A & UM-Team C went straightly to the Grand Final. Finally, UM-Team A, taking the role as the Opening Opposition of the motion "This house would make it compulsory for religious school in Western Liberal Democracy to teach Atheism", won the championship of the competition with better elaboration and arguments. One of the debaters, Ms. Flora Pan Ziyang, was recognized as the Best Speaker in the Grand Final.
Although UM-Team B & UM-Team D didn’t qualify for the Octo-final, Mr. Fred Zhang Jing from UM-Team B was awarded the fourth Best Debater Award while Ms. Flora Pan Ziyang and Ms. Nicole Ng Chi Mei received the first & second Best Debater Award respectively.