Press Invitation

Name : Press Conference on ‘Funding Scheme for Outstanding Start-ups’
Organizer : Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship of UM, UMTEC Limited
Date : 21 Jun 2024, Friday
Time : 10:00am
Venue : Ballroom 1, 2nd Floor, Grand Hyatt Macau
Content : To further promote the development of start-ups, UM’s Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship UMTEC Limited will launch a funding scheme for outstanding start-ups. The scheme aims to provide varying amounts of funding to start-ups to help them transform their creative projects into commercial products or services.
Language : Cantonese , Mandarin

Contact Person for Details

Name : Communications Office
Tel. No : 88228322
Fax : 88222359
Email :
Remark : For car parking reservation, please contact us one day in advance.