Source: My UM

You have tried milk tea, lemon water , orange juice, and the like, but recently there was a new beverage available on campus: the ‘suspended coffee’!

The ‘Pay It Forward’ free coffee campaign was organised by a group called ‘One Continent’, which was formed by students of the EELC142 programme from the English Language Centre. Those who wanted to be part of the campaign went to the bar , got a free cup of coffee, and a ‘One Continent’ member would take them to a table to join a group of students. They could then chat with the students and got to know each other and decided if they wanted to pay it forward by buying a ‘suspended coffee’ for the next person.‘I think it was a refreshing activity,’ said a second-year student from the Faculty of Business Administration. ‘It brought together strangers and gave them a chance to meet new friends and relieve stress before the final exam.’ ‘We hope to spread the concept of “Paying It Forward”,’ said one of the organisers of the campaign, who is a first-year student of psychology. ‘The “suspended coffee” is not just a cup of coffee, but a hot cup of kindness and goodwill.’