Five students from the University of Macau (UM) Faculty of Business Administration recently won the championship at the Fourth Business Knowledge Competition, after beating 13 teams from seven higher institutions in Macao. This is the third consecutive time that UM has won a championship at this competition. Their instructor is FBA assistant professor Dr So Man Shing. The event was co-organised by the Macao Foundation, the Union of Associations of Professional Accountants of Macau, and TDM.


The early rounds of the competition will be broadcast on TDM at 2:00pm on 4 April, 5 April, 11 April, and 12 April. The final and scenes behind the competition will be broadcast at 2:00pm on 18 April. A special video about the competition will be broadcast at 2:00pm on 19 April.

For the full version, please refer to the Chinese version.

Source: Faculty of Business Administration


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