(Translated Version)

Source: Government Information Bureau

(Joint press release from UM, IPM, IFT, and MUST)

The preparatory committee for the joint entrance exam of the University of Macau (UM), the Macao Polytechnic Institute (IPM), the Institute for Tourism Studies (IFT), and the Macau University of Science and Technology (MUST) held a press conference today (15 April) to announce its plan to launch the joint entrance exam in 2017 to give schools and students more time to prepare. The preparatory committee said that the decision was made after listening to the education sector. It stressed that there would be no centralised allocation and no cut-off marks, and that the students’ individual exam results would not be released to the public, adding that the joint entrance exam would be held once a year, and the results of the joint entrance exam would only be one of the many considerations in the admission process.

According to the preliminary plan, four subjects, namely Chinese, English, math, and Portuguese, will be included in the joint entrance exam. Students are not required to take the joint entrance exam in all the four subjects; they can select subjects according to the specific requirements of the university they wish to apply to. Entrance exams for subjects other than these four will be arranged by the individual universities.

The reparatory committee has presented the relevant plans to the Education and Youth Affairs Bureau, the Chinese Educators Association of Macau, and the Macau Catholic Schools Association. The exam syllabus and mock exam questions for the four subjects have also been submitted to all the secondary schools in Macao.

To give schools, teachers and students a better idea of the joint entrance exam, the preparatory committee has made the Macao Four-Universities Joint Entrance Exam (Language Subjects and Math Subject) Plans and Questions, which covers eligibility, subjects to be included in the joint entrance exam, admission criteria, exam dates, application procedures, and frequently asked questions. Later the preparatory committee will hold information sessions about the joint entrance exam in all the secondary schools in Macao. The relevant plans and frequently asked questions have been uploaded to the four universities’ websites as well as GAES’s website (http://www.gaes.gov.mo/admission/unification) for easy access by Macao residents.

The four universities started planning the joint entrance exam for language subjects and math subject in the second half of 2012, in response to the longstanding request of parents, students and the education sector to help reduce the students’ stress from attending multiple entrance exams of different universities.

Relevant News:

Preparations for joint entrance exam well underway


Should you have any inquiries about the press release, please feel free to contact Ms. Albee Lei and Ms. Kristy Fok at(853)8397 4323 or prs.media@um.edu.mo or visit UM webpage www.umac.mo.