Craft market and village promote local creativity

By Tai I Kei, Cecelia


The Instituto Cultural (IC) of Macao has been strongly supporting the development of cultural and creative industries in Macao over the past 10 years. The Tap Siac craft market, which is usually held twice a year on two weekends of April and November, is one of the largest cultural and creative events since 2008. Aiming to encourage local designers and artists to participate actively, the event has become an important platform for local cultural and creative people.


Two activities "Creative Handmade Workshop" and "Stage" are quite popular in this market. The workshop hosts local people who have handicraft skills to teach crafting skills to visitors during the activity. "Stage" provides the public performance opportunities to local music producers. Such activities motivate the participation, creativity and talent of citizens. It is hoped that through this market,  more people are encouraged to support local creations.

In addition to the craft market, local creative workers also participate in the Man Chong village, which is supported by IC as well to promote the local creative industry. The "village" is a place for people to get to know Macao's local creative works, a central place for local craftsmen to demonstrate and promote their products. Local designers and artists can set up their own studios and shops in the village. Customers can find most locally made creative products in the village. In addition to the "Creative Handmade Workshop" where visitors can watch the production process of art works, and communicate with the artists directly, they can now through both innovative and interactive ways, have a clear understanding how creative works are originated.

This reporter interviewed Amy [no sirname was given], one of the artists who runs a self-made accessories shop "Vintage Pepperland" in the Man Chong Village.


Reporter (R): When did you start to take part in the market?

Amy (A): It was already a long time ago when it was in the Nam Wan, and then it was in the Tap Siac.

R: What is the age group of your customers?

A: Most of them are students, and some are working adults.

R: What are your objectives in running this shop?

A: I want to show young people the creativity of local artists.

R: Where do you get your raw materials?

A: They are mostly imported from Taiwan, Europe and other places.

R: Have you met any difficulties?

A: Yes, because not many people know about our shop, they will think that our products may be second-hand, and reject them, so it took a lot of time to explain the objectives of our shop.

R: Is there anything that will give you the motivation to continue doing cultural innovation?

A: In addition to making money, I hope that more and more people will pay attention to the culture of Macau, also hope that more different types of cultural markets can be held in the future.



Copyright © Umac Bridges Fall 2018