city in contrast

- by Adrian Ngai -

In this photo page we are going to see some pictures of Macao. They were shot in recent days. Among the pictures, they are mainly scenes of casinos, big streets with many cars, old buildings and narrow alleyways. The aim of this picture page is to make a contrast between new scenes of Macao and old scenes of Macao. In the old days, people mainly relied on fisheries for a livelihood, part of that period is still crystalized in some sections of the city.


But nowadays, Macao has become a well-known city because of the gaming industry after the handover in December 1999. The population of Macao has also increased from 438,000 in 2000 to 640,000 in 2016. Many tourists are attracted to come to Macao for an entertaining and luxurious experience in grandiose resorts. So let's see the contrast between the older days of Macao and the current days of Macao.




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