• Never Say Never
    By Wilson Sin

    "I always remind myself that I must learn to be modest because pride goes before a fall."
    Au Ieong Sin Ieng, 24, is an athlete who has been practicing synchronized swimming for over 10 years and now is one of the key members of the Macao synchronized swimming team. She has participated in the National Games of the People's Republic of China for four times and FINA World Championship for five times.

    The first time that Au Ieong got to know synchronized swimming was when she was eight. "In order to maintain good health, my mum sent me to learn swimming and dancing when I was in primary school," Au Ieong said. "As synchronized swimming started to get noticed at that time, my swimming instructor asked me to join. Thus, I became one of the first generation of synchronized swimming athletes."

    Years later, Au Ieong found that her enthusiasm in synchronized swimming was so strong that she wanted to be a professional athlete after her graduation from junior high. However, being a professional athlete in Macao was too risky that her mother disagreed with that idea and suggested her to focus on her study first.

    "There were no professional athletes in Macao at that time, so there was no support from the government or the Swimming Federation as well. That was why my mother did not encourage me to be a professional athlete," said Au Ieong.

    She enjoys practicing synchronized swimming. Being the most experienced member in the team, she recognizes that she has responsibility to lead the young teammates and think more for them. "Fortunately, we have built up a good relationship through these years. It reminds me that I have them, I am not alone," she smiled. 

    According to Au Ieong, her old teammates left due to different reasons. However, she is not going to give up synchronized swimming. She still wants to join the next Asian Games. "I think this may be my last dream and mission before I get into another stage of my life," said Au Ieong.

    Au Ieong said that she gained a lot from synchronized swimming. For instance, she acquired much experience through participating in different competitions; she became more mature as she had to overcome many difficulties during the training. Moreover, she learnt how to be a responsible person.

    As one of key members of the Macao synchronized swimming team, she has been covered extensively by local media. However, she denies she is the special one. On the contrary, she always emphasizes that she is just a common person. "I feel grateful that I could have many opportunities in my life. All these opportunities have made my life smoother and happier."

    Getting along with her post 90's teammates, Au Ieong thinks that they are all talented and creative. "Living under the new digital era, children in this generation can have many platforms to get information and have much more space to have creative thinking. Nevertheless, it also has some shortcomings. As they have many choices, they don't know what they really want," said Au Ieong. "If they can pay more attention and put more effort on doing things, I believe that they can have a bright future."