• Y study U?
    By Cat Leong

    "I've never thought of not going to university, it is just like you should study secondary school after primary school," said Samson Lai.

    Lai, a Form 6 student, plans to continue his study after graduation. "For me, studying at university is an inevitable stage. My goal is to enter a good university and find a good job once I graduate," said Lai.

    Currently, university education has become a general trend. According to the statistics from the Macao government, about 85% high school graduates will continue their studies rather than find employment. Most of the students are like Lai, following the general trend, focusing on completing undergraduate studies and believing this will be easier for them to find a good job. 

    "(There is only) a fat chance unless you are born in an affluent family and get full support from your family. If not, you can only get jobs that require lower technical skills and offer lower salaries," said Yoyo Tam, another Form 6 student.

    Many people used to put an equal stress on   diploma and good job. However, you will be disappointed to know the real situation.  In fact, it may be an advantage of getting into society but is not easy to find a good job.

    Liz Cheong, a fresh graduate of psychology major disagrees with the notion that undergraduate education guarantees good jobs. "It is an advantage for some professions. Just like me, acquiring a diploma is definitely a must for my job. Yet I don't think I have a good job. I feel unsatisfied with the salary and benefits," said Chong.

    According to a report by the Macao government, dealers earn an average of MOP16,720 per month currently. However, it is revealed that university graduates   earn on average only MOP14,000 per month and the median income is MOP12,500 per month.

    Helen Lee, majoring in Business Administration, has recently graduated from University of Macau. Her salary is under the median income. "Everyone has a bachelor degree, there is no advantage for a university graduate to find a good job, even any job," she said.

    Lee said that the university education might not necessarily bring her a good job, but it did make her grow up, obtain friendships with a lot of people and give her chances to explore her interests.

    "I disagree with the idea that a better development of career must be with higher education. In those years, some of my high school classmates did not go to university, but they have their own goals. For example, one of my classmates was interested in the retail industry and worked as a sales girl after graduating from high school. She made an effort in doing what she wanted. After a number of years, she has become a manager in one luxury brand store. Now she has found a good job," said Lee. "A clear goal is the most important thing for being successful, but not a diploma."