• Attitude of Directing Your Success
    By Anthea Tam

    "No matter for study or work, attitude means everything. Always maintain a serious attitude and try your best, success will come to you then."

    U Chong Hin, 23, director of an online TV program Aecm360 (??360), graduated from the Queensland University of Technology in Australia, majoring in Film and TV production. He is now the managing director of Pride Entertainment Productions.

    "I love creative works but actually film production was not my first choice. I wanted to study journalism at the very beginning. However, I found that words could no longer attract people because this generation seldom reads. Hence, I decided to study film production instead," said U.

    During the period in the university, U had several part time jobs. One day, an opportunity came to him when he came back to Macao in the summer of 2010. At that time, he got a part time job at Aomen.tv and was asked to make a music video for a Macao local singer.

    The MV Thousands of Autumns became popular after it was broadcast on YouTube, making people start to set eyes on this young local director.

    "For sure, this MV is the most important production in my life. I would have had nothing without this MV. It helped me to develop my career in the Macao market and made people start to know who I am. I feel lucky and glad that I could have this opportunity while I was still a university student," said U.

    After his graduation, U worked as a freelancer and cooperated with the General Association of Chinese Students of Macao. He decided to produce a new online TV program with them. That is Acem36.

    Acem360 is an online TV program which provides interesting campus news stories and the latest information of different schools for Macao high school students.

    "Acem360 was really a big task for me," U described. "Since nobody had made this kind of program before, no one knew if it would work or not. Honestly, it was quite risky to have this decision. Therefore, I had to think of more details and had more preparation before I started working on this program. Besides, I took the rating seriously. I remembered that I was not the only one, but also the whole crew, felt nervous when the first episode was broadcast on YouTube. "

    Fortunately, the program was a great success. It was popular among high school students and it also brought a lot of job opportunities to him. U said that the good result of Acem360 gave him confidence to keep going in this industry.

    Months ago, U established his own company. The main orientation of the company is to develop an online TV station. "After producing the educational circle program for a long time, I would like to try something new. Many different types of programs will be produced in the future and teenagers are still my target audience. I wish that my company would be recognized by people soon," said U.

    According to U, there was a big change in his working style after setting up the company. "I became the decision maker of the company. In order to run the company, I have to attend many meetings. Therefore, I feel so sorry for  my parents that I have no time to accompany them," U said.

    As a post 90s person, U denied that he is successful. "I am just the lucky one," U smiled, adding, "Many people are more successful than me. I still have many things to learn and a long way to go. Since nobody knows how to be successful, what I can do is to try my best."

    U also wants to encourage all the young people that no matter what difficulties they encounter in life, they should never give up easily. "It doesn't matter if you are not perfect as long as you do your best," said U.